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The newly established Vard Services had an order intake of NOK 527 million in 2023.
25. March 2024
Vard Services shall provide a comprehensive offer to customers in terms of aftermarket services. These services include repairs, conversions, parts sales, and other service.
- VARD wants to focus more on the services both new and established customers need throughout the life cycle of a vessel. By establishing a single point of contact for those who wish to contact one of VARD's companies, we simplify the access to our services for the customers.
– Wilhelm Eggesbø, Senior Vice President Vard Services.
The Customer Service Center of Vard Services is the point of contact for customers buying vessels from VARD to ensure that customers get the right service whenever they need it and wherever they are in the process and lifecycle of the vessel.
- With the Customer Service Center, we achieve the flexibility and overview we need, and our customers find it easy when they contact us, says Eggesbø.
Vard Customer Service Center was established in July 2023 and assists customers with all services. In its first year of operation, the center sold services for NOK 527 million. This is over budget.
Vard Customer Service Center operates as a contact point for the entire Vard Group.
VARD Customer Service Center
+474000 0508
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