Rem Power announced as the Maritime Innovation of the year
We are proud to inform that Rem Power won the Maritime Innovation of the year award, an award by GCE Blue Maritime Cluster aimed at recognizing the groundbreaking work done by our cluster members and showcasing our commitment to leading-edge solutions.
20. September 2023

Highly flexible and fuel-efficient operation
This is the first of two CSOV’s VARD is delivering to Rem Purus. REM Power is a pioneer in green and technological solutions. The Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV) is equipped with a Diesel-Electric & battery hybrid propulsion system designed for highly flexible and fuel-efficient operation. Substantial volumes in the vessel are set aside for future upgrades or conversion to zero emission energy sources.
- It is a great honor to receive this important award. Rem Power is a pioneer in green and technological solutions from a number of players in the maritime cluster here in Sunnmøre. This is proof that cooperation across the cluster is crucial for innovation and development and that the old slogan that we cooperate when we can, but compete when we must, still applies. We accept this award on behalf of VARD, Rem Purus and everyone who has participated in this project. Together we really make a difference to enable future-oriented and competitive development at sea, says Amrit Bhullar SVP Business Development and Group Innovation.
Tailor-made for world-wide services
The CSOV is tailor-made for world-wide services and maintenance operations at offshore wind farms. The VARD 4 19 design, developed by Vard Design in Ålesund, Norway, is a highly versatile platform for all offshore windfarm support operations, focusing on onboard logistics, security, comfort, and superior operability. The vessel is equipped to provide services during both construction, operation, and maintenance of offshore windfarms.
Part of the Ocean Charger Project
REM Power is the first vessel to partake in the testing of the Ocean Charger project to develop a maritime value chain for offshore wind with offshore energy transfer. By connecting vessels to the power grid in the wind farm/harbor and charging batteries regularly, the aim is to power operations with a minimum of additional energy sources. The project is awarded funding by the Norwegian Government’s Green Platform Initiative.

Cutting edge vessel
- This is the first CSOV delivered with VARD SeaQ integrated bridge system, the highest level of bridge integration with an extended architecture, including Kongsberg decision support system, utilizing a combination of VARD developed integration solutions, combined with touch monitors to gather various systems into one operator station, backed by full-featured onboard commissioning and verification features.
- REM Power will be the world’s first vessel to be equipped with VARD subsidiary SEAONICS’ Electric Controlled Motion Compensated (ECMC) crane, securing efficient handling operations for a sustainable future. This system allows to always keep the load close to the crane tip from the deck level to the TP platform. The new and innovative crane ensures quick and safe cargo transfer.
- Rem Power is the world first to be equipped with Kongsberg Rim driven azimuth propellers as main propulsion. Permanent Magnet motors provide a compact and highly responsive and energy efficient thruster, while keeping operational and service costs low. The thrusters can also contribute to motion damping in DP operations. Further, the vessel is equipped with Kongsberg RIM DRIVE tunnel thruster that provides high hydrodynamic efficiency, and low noise and vibrations.
- This is the first renewable vessel to be equipped with Metizoft Life Cycle Assessment system (LCA), that measures the vessel’s environmental impacts throughout each stage of the lifecycle, from raw materials extraction to disposal. By analyzing all relevant Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) a complete assessment of the total environmental impact is made.
VARD’s cutting edge vessel for REM Purus named REM Power
VARD is proud to present the CSOV (Commissioning Service Operation Vessel) REM Power to Rem Purus. The vessel was named in Ålesund, 12. May.